International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Studies

Volume 2 - Issue 2 (5) | PP: 143 - 148 Language : English

Exploring Significance of Commercial Hospitality to Communities: A Study of Malete

Olukemi Deborah Fagbolu ,
Barakat Iyabo Ogunlana
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
2/11/2021 20/11/2021 16/12/2021 18/2/2022
This paper explores the significance of commercial hospitality to the Malete community. The empirical study employs a quantitative method and a semi-structured questionnaire to gather data. Data are presented on tables and analyzed using PSPP frequency distribution and percentages. Findings show that the commercial hospitality business creates employment opportunities, especially for women in the community, to a great extent. Although commercial hospitality business operators are illiterate, they contribute immensely towards improving the means of livelihood in the community. Therefore, it is recommended that commercial hospitality businesses be considered carefully as a medium of employment creation.

How To Cite This Article
Fagbolu , O. D. & Ogunlana , B. I. (2022). Exploring Significance of Commercial Hospitality to Communities: A Study of Malete . International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Studies , 2 (2), 143-148, 10.31559/IJHTS2021.2.2.5

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