Volume 13 - Issue 1 (1) | PP: 1 - 4
Language : English
DOI : https://doi.org/10.31559/glm2023.13.1.1
DOI : https://doi.org/10.31559/glm2023.13.1.1
A Conjecture from Collatz Conjecture: Elevation by Folding
Received Date | Revised Date | Accepted Date | Publication Date |
25/2/2023 | 6/3/2023 | 14/3/2023 | 22/3/2023 |
The Collatz Conjecture proposed in 1937 by German mathematician Lothar Collatz remains unsolved. It states that: let ℕ be the set of all positive integers and n ϵ ℕ, then: any positive integer n will collapse to 1 by applying the rules of the conjecture: 3n+1 (for odd numbers) and n/2 (for even numbers). In this work, a new conjecture was stated from Collatz conjecture. Percentage crystallinity was defined and a unique solution of the elevation (reverse) of the cyclone part and the whole stem was suggested. The % Crystallinity of the 512-line on the stem is 100% while it is 68% for the 184-line. The only number, f(n) = 112n, resulting from multiplication of prime numbers, that satisfies the elevation of Collatz cyclone is 112 (i.e., n = 1), and for the elevation of the stem, the multiplications of 112 are valid (i.e., n = 2, 4, 8, 16, …). When 112 is folded, it gives the following pairs: 56, 28, 14, and 7, which correspond the 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, and 3rd dimensions, respectively. This elevation conjecture will lead to many applications, for example, the 9th planet can be suggested to be devoured in a black Hole that may be resulted from the death of the symmetric sun of our solar system’s sun.
Keywords: Collatz conjecture, Stem, Cyclone, Elevation, Crystallinity, Folding, Dimensions
How To Cite This Article
Al-Rawajfeh , A. E. (2023). A Conjecture from Collatz Conjecture: Elevation by Folding . General Letters in Mathematics, 13 (1), 1-4, 10.31559/glm2023.13.1.1
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