General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 14 - Issue 1 (1) | PP: 1 - 6 Language : English

Almost irredundant sets in C*-algebras and the state space

Clayton Suguio Hida
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
30/10/2023 20/12/2023 26/12/2023 18/5/2024
In this article, we consider some topological invariants on the state space S(A) of a C*-algebra and the notion of almost irredundant sets: A subset X of a C*-algebra A is called almost irredundant if and only if for every a ∈ X, the element a does not belong to the norm-closure of f Σn i=1 λi Πni j=1 ai,j : where ai,j ∈ X n fag and Σn i=1 jλij 6 1g. We prove that d(A) 6 2irra(A) holds for every C*-algebra, where irra(A) is the supremum of cardinalities of almost irredundant sets in A and we prove some other cardinal inequalities on the state space of a C*-algebra.

How To Cite This Article
Hida , C. S. (2024). Almost irredundant sets in C*-algebras and the state space. General Letters in Mathematics, 14 (1), 1-6, 10.31559/glm2024.14.1.1

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