General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 14 - Issue 2 (1) | PP: 25 - 39 Language : English

Right Central CNZ Property Skewed by Ring Endomorphisms

Saman Shafiq Othman ,
Chenar Abdul Kareem Ahmed
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
4/10/2023 29/5/2024 6/6/2024 10/6/2024
The concept of the reversible ring property concerning nilpotent elements was introduced by A.M. Abdul-Jabbar and C. A. Ahmed, who introduced the concept of commutativity of nilpotent elements at zero, termed as a CNZ ring, as an extension of reversible rings. In this paper, we extend the CNZ property through the influence of a central ring endomorphism alpha , introducing a new type of ring called a right alpha -skew central CNZ ring. This concept not only expands upon CNZ rings but also serves as a generalization of right alpha -skew central reversible rings. We explore various properties of these rings and delve into extensions of right alpha -skew central CNZ rings, along with examining several established results, which emerge as corollaries of our findings.

How To Cite This Article
Othman , S. S. & Ahmed , C. A. K. (2024). Right Central CNZ Property Skewed by Ring Endomorphisms . General Letters in Mathematics, 14 (2), 25-39, 10.31559/glm2024.14.2.1

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