General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 5 - Issue 3 (5) | PP: 157 - 164 Language : English

Risk Profiling In Student Tuition Fees’ Repayment: A Case Study

Norehan Kamaruddin ,
Nurfaizura Fazana Mohammad Noor ,
Zahayu Md Yusof ,
Masnita Misiran
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
29/11/2018 17/1/2019 10/2/2019 28/4/2019
Private higher learning institution is vulnerable towards heavy dependence in students’ tuition fees to sustain operation, thus the default in tuition payments is among its most critical risk. In this work, the statistics-based scoring method is adopted to provide risk assessment that offers risk profiling for every students, specifically on their ability to pay tuition fees. Risk mitigation and preventive measure are also proposed in this work.

How To Cite This Article
Kamaruddin , N.Noor , N. F. M. , Z. M. Y. & Misiran , M. (2019). Risk Profiling In Student Tuition Fees’ Repayment: A Case Study . General Letters in Mathematics, 5 (3), 157-164, 10.31559/glm2018.5.3.5

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