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Integrable Systems, Spectral Curves and Representation Theory

A. Lesfari

The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the active area via the spectral linearization method for solving integrable systems. New examples of integrable systems, which have been discovered, are based on the so called Lax representation of the equations of motion. Through the Adler-Kostant-Symes ...

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On x-magnetic Surfaces Generated by Trajectory of x-magnetic Curves in Null Cone


In this work, we examine the impact of magnetic fields on the moving particle trajectories by variational approach to the magnetic flow associated with the Killing magnetic field on 2−dimensional lightlike cone Q2 ⊂ E3 1. We give some characterizations for x−magnetic curve and x−magnetic ...

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Explicit Expression for a First Integral for a Class of Two-dimensional Differential System

Rachid Boukoucha , Mouna Yahiaoui

In this paper we are intersted in studying the existence of a first integral and to the curves which are formed by the trajectories of the two-dimensional differential systems of the form    x′ = P (x,y) + x(λxexp(M(x,y) N(x,y))+ βy exp(R(x,y) S(x,y))),y ′ = Q(x,y) + y(λxexp(M(x,y) ...

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