Veterinary Medicine and Public Health Journal

Related Articles ( nanoparticles )

Studying the Effect of nano-extract of Nerium Oleander Leaves on the Histological Structure of the Liver in Male Laboratory Mice

Saja Hassan Abd Al-Kadhim , Jabbar Abadi Mohammed

Objectives: The purpose of the research was to see how a nano-extract (zinc oxide) of oleander leaves affected the histological structure of the liver in male laboratory mice aged (7-8) weeks and weighing (28-35 g). Methods: They were split up into three groups, with ten mice in each. The control group ...

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Evaluation of the Efficiency of some Nanoparticles and Chemical Nematicides in Controlling Root-Knot Nematodes Meloidogyne Incognita (on Eggplant)

Estabraq Mohammed Abdalreda , Liqaa Hussein Mohammed , Mushtak Talib Mohammadali , Sarah Tareq Hasan

Objectives: This study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of some nanoparticles in inhibiting the growth of the root knot nematode. Methods: This study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of aluminum oxide Alo-NPs and silver Ag-NPs, and chemical nematicides (Velum prime and ...

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Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Aspergillus Niger Isolated from Soil and Studying its Antimicrobial Effect Against Some Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Species and Candida Albican

Thaer Ali Hussein , Ismail J. Abbass , Afrodet Abd –Al Razaq , Sabah Raheem Hamady

Objectives: Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using the fungus Aspergillus niger, isolated from the soil for the purpose of studying its ability to produce nanoparticles. Methods: Grown in a liquid fermentation medium in glass flasks for ten days. The biosynthesis process was detected by observing ...

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