Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 13 - Issue 3 (4) | PP: 245 - 258 Language : العربية

The Role of Green Marketing Mix in Customer Loyalty (Applied Study on a Sample of Students at Najran University- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Amani Ali Awad Elata ,
Mohammed ALhassan Sharef Mohammed ,
Eltaj Mohammed Mohammed Ali Hamed
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
16/4/2023 21/5/2023 1/6/2023 9/7/2023
The study aimed to know the role of the Green Marketing Mix on customer loyalty from the viewpoint of postgraduate students at the College of Administrative Sciences at Najran University. To test the hypotheses and achieve the goals, the researchers relied on the descriptive analytical method for its suitability to the study nature using SPSS program. The study concluded that the Green Marketing Mix with its elements (green product, green price, and green promotion) affects customer's loyalty. The study recommended that companies working in the green marketing field should move towards the philosophy of green marketing in its various dimensions and consider it as a part of their culture, raise customers' culture awareness of green products and conduct periodic surveys to find out their opinions in green marketing operations. Also, the study recommended the need to define an appropriate price strategy and policies for its products and to launch special programs to motivate distinguished customers for maintaining their loyalty.

How To Cite This Article
Elata , A. A. A., et al. (2023). The Role of Green Marketing Mix in Customer Loyalty (Applied Study on a Sample of Students at Najran University- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Global Journal of Economics and Business, 13 (3), 245-258,

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