International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 5 - Issue 2 (3) | PP: 64 - 82 Language : العربية

The Semantic Value of the Syllables in the Text among the Moderns

Mahdi Inad Qabaha ,
Mohammad Jawad An-Nori
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
13/6/2023 26/7/2023 12/8/2023 21/8/2023
Objectives: This study dealt with a side of the lesson of phonetic semantics among the moderns, which is the semantic effect of the syllables in the text of Qur'an and literary text. This study aims to set rules for the lesson of the syllables semantics among the moderns to show the effect of the syllables in the meaning shaping in the text and to demonstrate how to extract the syllables' meaning in the text. Methods: The approach which this study relied on to achieve its aims is the descriptive-analytical approach. By this approach, the study described the target phenomenon and analyzed its contents to get a good result. Conclusions: The study concluded that the syllables are able to participate in the production of the text meaning such as the phonemes, and that the lesson of the syllables semantics was developed by the modernists who extracted many meanings from the syllables in the text such as intensity, ease, quickness, extension, openness, closure, and movement. The study also concluded that the syllables semantics have a special nature, that the syllables semantics are achieved in the text with qualifications such as much use of a syllable, and that the syllables depend on different factors to give their meanings such as difficulty pronouncing, pronunciation time, syllables opening, syllables closing and syllables arranging form in the context.

How To Cite This Article
Qabaha , M. I.& An-Nori , M. J. (2023). The Semantic Value of the Syllables in the Text among the Moderns . International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 5 (2), 64-82,

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