Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 2 - Issue 2 (3) | PP: 74 - 82 Language : العربية
DOI : 10.12816/0040843

Economic diversification in Algeria

Mohamed Nasser Hamidato ,
Baqaas Alssafiah
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
20/2/2017 15/3/2017 6/4/2017 30/4/2017
The issue of economic diversification has become very important in the priorities of the Arab countries due to the shocks of their economies due to their association with a certain sector without other sectors as well as the expansion of investment and the creation of new linkages between other sectors of the economy and reduce dependence on a limited number of international markets to expand the revenue base Hence, it is necessary to adopt a policy of economic diversification in both horizontal and vertical terms. Through horizontal diversification, countries seek to create new products by supporting research and innovation while vertical diversification seeks to develop products manufactured in a particular sector For the category of high value-added products.

How To Cite This Article
Hamidato , M. N.& Alssafiah , B. (2017). Economic diversification in Algeria . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 2 (2), 74-82, 10.12816/0040843

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