International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 6 - Issue 2 (1) | PP: 50 - 63 Language : العربية

The Image of Jerusalem in Ahmed Matar’s Poetry

Naheda Ahmad Alkiswani
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
22/5/2024 1/7/2024 7/7/2024 9/7/2024
Objectives: This research aims to study the image of Jerusalem in the poetry of the poet Ahmed Matar, and to show the poet's vision and his multiple positions on Palestine in general and on the city of Jerusalem in particular under the Israeli occupation while revealing the dimensions depicted by Ahmed Matar, such as the political, religious and historical dimension... which are the first pillars of proving its identity through the resistance trend, the symbolic trend, and the social trend. Methods: This study relied on the descriptive-analytical method. Conclusions: The study was concluded with a number of results, the most important of which is: Jerusalem, for Ahmed Matar, is the compass to which everyone should point. He appeared in his poetry defending it. We do not find him lamenting, but on the contrary, he arouses enthusiasm. In his talk about Jerusalem, he did not find pity or shed tears, but rather He went on a rampage. What is noticeable in his poetry about Jerusalem is the emergence of sadness and oppression because of who rules Jerusalem and controls Palestine. His speech was harsh when he spoke about the Arab and Palestinian leaders who lost Palestine and Jerusalem and did not care about what happened to the Palestinian people, leaving them to face the cruelty and arrogance of the occupation on their own without a helper or supporter.

How To Cite This Article
Alkiswani , N. A. (2024). The Image of Jerusalem in Ahmed Matar’s Poetry. International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 6 (2), 50-63,

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