Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 6 - Issue 2 (6) | PP: 329 - 340 Language : العربية

The Impact of the Application and Practice of Marketing Activities in the Sustainability of Institutions Economic - Case Study of the Guedila Mineral Water Foundation

Hakim bendjeroua ,
Rebbouh oumelkhir
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
16/9/2018 13/10/2018 31/10/2018 10/4/2019
This study aims at identifying and determining the importance of marketing activities in the continuation and survival of the economic institutions in the market in generaland to the guedila Mineral Water Foundation in particular Therefore, the study focused specifically on the relationship of the marketing elements of product, pricing, distribution and promotion The results of the study have been used to collect and analyze data and information on the field study of guedila Foundation and its documents in the statistical programs represented in (23.SPSS, EVIEWS). Yen practice marketing activities and the sustainability of the institution guedila through their quest for survival and growth are constantly active in the market.

How To Cite This Article
bendjeroua , H.& oumelkhir , R. (2019). The Impact of the Application and Practice of Marketing Activities in the Sustainability of Institutions Economic - Case Study of the Guedila Mineral Water Foundation . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 6 (2), 329-340,

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