Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 8 - Issue 1 (8) | PP: 92 - 104 Language : العربية

Estimating the demand function for unconventional fuel production (Biofuels, Ethanol, Biodiesel for the period 2001-2017, standard study)

Mohammed Radi Jaafar Al-Sudani ,
Mohammad Al-al-Adhara
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
9/7/2019 10/9/2019 21/1/2020 8/3/2020
Biomass is the fuel produced from biomass. The main source of biofuel production. Biomass consists of firewood, charcoal, agricultural products, waste, The production of liquid biofuels is not without the serious consequences of the large agricultural needs of its production، which will be reflected In rising food prices, as well as increasing conflicts over water and land as crucial factors in agricultural production. There are several types of biofuels: solid biomass, bio-fuel, liquid biofuels. There are also several sources of bio-fuel production: biomass consisting of organic matter، especially plants that grow randomly in unfertilized land such as coal, Corn, cane and clover, as well as algae and seaweed. Wood biomass is more abundant on the surface of the earth for biological materials such as willow, biofuel production from agricultural plants in Brazil and the United States of America، biofuel production from plant residues that remain in agricultural fields after harvesting crops. The regression coefficient, the regression coefficient, and the time regression coefficient at a significant level of 1% for all countries of the sample, except for the regression coefficients of Brazil, Germany and the rest of the world, were statistically significant. Which is insignificant at a significant level of 25%, which is weak compared to the high significance of the price parameter in other countries, which shows their lack of effectiveness on production and its weak impact. On the basis of the F test, all estimated models of the countries obtained were found to be significant at a significant level of 1%, This means that the parameters of price and time variables were highly capable of explaining the changes in the production of biodiesel in these countries and that they are sufficient to represent the relationship between them. These two variables explain the changes in biodiesel by more than 90% for all countries of the sample while the coefficient of determination of the State of China was lower than them and by 87%. The total correlation coefficient according to these data for all countries of the sample indicates that all the double points of the variables are very close to the regression line and this shows the strength of the relationship between the price and time variables with the production of biodiesel.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Sudani , M. R. J.& Al-al-Adhara , M. (2020). Estimating the demand function for unconventional fuel production (Biofuels, Ethanol, Biodiesel for the period 2001-2017, standard study) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 8 (1), 92-104,

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