Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 8 - Issue 1 (10) | PP: 117 - 148 Language : العربية

Impact of human resourse management strategies on smart organizations: The mediating role of employees empwerment ( field study on a group of pharmacies operating in the capital, Amman)

Amineh Abdel Halim Khaddam ,
Hani Jazaa Irtaimah ,
Basema Badr
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
19/12/2019 16/1/2020 25/2/2020 8/3/2020
The study aimed to investigate the direct impact of human resource management strategies in smart organizations in a group of pharmacies operating in the capital city of Amman. In addition, it aimed to measure the extent of the impact of empowering workers on adjusting the impact of human resource management strategies in their combined dimensions (attracting staff, recruitment, training and development, motivation, performance evaluation) in smart organizations in a group of pharmacies operating in the capital: Amman. The importance of the study lies through the results it can provide to identify the impact of human resource management strategies in smart organizations. Moreover, it sheds light on the modified role of empowering workers in a group of pharmacies operating in the capital city of Amman. The study contributes to providing the necessary information for the administration at all levels, lower, middle, and high, to take administrative decisions in a timely manner. The study community was represented by all workers at the administrative levels in the researched pharmacies, who numbered (50) employees. The study adopted the facilitated sample, as the study sample consisted of a group of pharmacies operating in the Capital Governorate of Amman, which agreed to be part of this stud. (50) questionnaires were distributed to the members of the study sample, and (44) questionnaires were retrieved, of which (2) of them are non-analysisable questionnaires so that the number of retrieved questionnaires that can be analyzed statistically is (42) or 84.0% of the total distributed questionnaires. Thus, The Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) was used. The study concluded a set of results, the most important of which are: There is a statistically significant effect at the level of significant significance (0.05≥α) of human resource management strategies with their combined dimensions (attracting staff, recruitment, training, development, motivation, and performance evaluation) in smart organizations in a group of pharmacies operating In the Capital Governorate of Amman. As the results of the partial analysis showed that each of (attracting staff, recruitment, and motivation) has made a contribution to influence smart organizations, while (training, development, and performance evaluation) did not achieve a contribution directly, but rather supports human resource strategies to cause impact in smart organizations. There is also a statistically significant effect at the level of meaningful significance (0.05≥α) to enable workers to adjust the impact of human resource management strategies in their combined dimensions (attracting staff, recruitment, training, development, motivation, and performance evaluation) in smart organizations in a group of pharmacies operating in the capital Amman.

How To Cite This Article
Khaddam , A. A. H., et al. (2020). Impact of human resourse management strategies on smart organizations: The mediating role of employees empwerment ( field study on a group of pharmacies operating in the capital, Amman) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 8 (1), 117-148,

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