Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 8 - Issue 3 (11) | PP: 503 - 520 Language : العربية

Strategic Vigilance and its Impact on Projects Management in Jordanian Telecommunication Companies (JTC)

Mohammed Fayez Al-Najjar ,
Khalid Mahmoud Al-Shawabkeh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
10/12/2019 9/2/2020 12/6/2020 14/7/2020
The study aimed to identify the impact of strategic vigilance on project management in Jordanian telecommunication companies (JTC). The study relied on the analytical descriptive approach, targeting the employees at the top and middle levels in JTC, which have (217) employees in these levels, based on the stratified random sample, the study sample reached (153) employees. The study found that there is a statistically significant impact at (P≤0.05) for Strategic Vigilance with its all dimensions (competitive vigilance, technological vigilance, commercial vigilance, and environmental vigilance) on projects management with its all dimensions (project scope management, project schedule management, project cost management, project quality management, project integration management, Project resource management, project communication management, project risk management, project procurement management, and project stakeholder management) in JTC, and it has a statistically significant impact at (P≤0.05) on projects management objectives areas with its all dimensions (project scope management, project schedule management, project cost management, project quality management) in JTC, As well as it has statistically significant impact at (P≤0.05) on projects management mechanism areas with its all dimensions (project integration management, project resource management, project communication management, project risk management, project procurement management, and project stakeholder management) in JTC. The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which was Enhance attention to strategic vigilance information as a strategic information resource by establishing strategic vigilance units or cells in JTC to ensure regulatory arrangements that ensure their operation, and define the importance of theses information for all levels of management by training courses, and Improving the concern for environmental vigilance in JTC, which constitute all types of strategic vigilance that are not covered by other types such as, legislative vigilance, political vigilance, legal vigilance, social vigilance, organizational vigilance, and others by concern to environmental legislation, laws and green products, raise awareness of staff in related areas by encouraging participation in relevant seminars and conference, in addition to improving the concern to international standards of project management in JTC especially in project risk management and project scope management, by motivating employees when obtaining international certificates in this field, and encouraging them to participate in training courses and workshops in related field.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Najjar , M. F.& Al-Shawabkeh , K. M. (2020). Strategic Vigilance and its Impact on Projects Management in Jordanian Telecommunication Companies (JTC) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 8 (3), 503-520,

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