Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 10 - Issue 1 (3) | PP: 27 - 45 Language : العربية

Determinants of poverty in Sudan - Analytical study (1990-2017)

Hiba Awad Alla Ali Hussin ,
Nadia Bushra Mohammed Ali
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
17/8/2020 13/9/2020 7/12/2020 1/3/2021
The research aimed to know the effect of economic policies on the poverty rate in Sudan for the period (1990 - 2017). Using the Atuo-Regressive Distributed lag (ARDL) to test and estimate factors affecting the poverty rate in Sudan in the short and long term in the period (2017-1990). The research reached the following main results: The existence of an integral balance relationship in the long term between the poverty rate and each of the explanatory variables under study, which means that these variables are not far from each other in the long term so that they show similar behavior in Sudan, where there is a direct relationship with Both government spending, money supply, the exchange rate, and the inverse relationship of taxes in the short term. The most important recommendations: Working to find radical solutions to the problems of unemployment, increasing inflation and production, attention to the productive sectors and advancing economic growth and economic development to serve all segments of society, especially those with low incomes, adopting pro-poor strategies such as support goods and establishing cooperative societies.

How To Cite This Article
Hussin , H. A. A. A.& Ali , N. B. M. (2021). Determinants of poverty in Sudan - Analytical study (1990-2017) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 10 (1), 27-45,

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