Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 10 - Issue 2 (16) | PP: 463 - 473 Language : English

The effect of obstructions in the e-commerce in electronic commerce applications: evidence from the Jordan business sector

Kulthoom Mansour Al-ghananeem
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
9/1/2021 24/3/2021 30/3/2021 29/4/2021
The study aimed to find out the electronic and the impact of trade obstacles in e-commerce applications in the Jordanian business sector, the concept of electronic commerce obstacles in the business sector is clarified, and these obstacles are mentioned, which are three main obstacles in this study technological obstacles, human resources obstacles, and law and legislation obstacles and to achieve this goal the study chose a component of Jordanian banks and branches society, was used questionnaire data collection tool, was distributed to the author than 100 employees in these banks sample, were retrieving 96 of them, were subjected to statistical analysis. The most important outputs of the study are a direct impact of the obstacles to e-commerce in e-commerce applications in organizations, and found the most effective human resources obstacles followed by law and legislation obstacles. Based on the results of the analysis and testing of hypotheses, show that e-commerce obstacles standards in the Jordanian business sector and of technical and technological factors, the special human resources factors, legislative and legal factors, the study recommended the need to increase the electronic awareness and culture of the Internet among the different segments of society, reduce obstacles and streamline procedures to help various community groups to get personal computers and the ability to subscribe to and use of the Internet.

How To Cite This Article
Al-ghananeem , K. M. (2021). The effect of obstructions in the e-commerce in electronic commerce applications: evidence from the Jordan business sector . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 10 (2), 463-473, 10.31559/GJEB2021.10.2.16

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