Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (4) | PP: 535 - 550 Language : العربية

Factors affecting sports marketing from the viewpoint of employees of Sennar state youth centers

Maram Ahmed Ali Al-Tayeb
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
18/1/2021 9/3/2021 20/4/2021 2/7/2021
The study aimed to examine the factors affecting sports marketing in Sudan. According to the descriptive and analytical approach, as for the study sample, it was selected from some individuals in a way that includes activists in the field of sports marketing. The questionnaire tool was used to collect data, as the researcher distributed 100 questionnaires to the target audience. (100) individuals responded, meaning the percentage of the recovered resolution reached (100%). The data were analyzed using the (Spss) program, as a number of statistical methods were used to verify the validity of the hypothesis, including the correlation coefficient (person) and the simple regression analysis. The study yielded several results, the most important of which are: Youth centers provide services that meet the needs of youth and society, to ensure safety, physical health and culture. Then the study was concluded with recommendations, the most important of which are: Investing the existing human and material resources in order to contribute to the development of youth centers.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Tayeb , M. A. A. (2021). Factors affecting sports marketing from the viewpoint of employees of Sennar state youth centers . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 10 (3), 535-550,

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