International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 2 - Issue 3 (2) | PP: 103 - 116 Language : العربية

Picturing reality in Mahmoud Shuqair 's narrative literature -A critical analysis-

Nadi Sari Al-Deek
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
19/7/2020 16/8/2020 28/8/2020 23/9/2020
Mahmoud Shuqair is one of the pioneers in the second generation of short story writers. He believed in socialism as the basic thought in his art. He expressed the Palestinian status in extreme honesty and presented the cares of the Palestinians in his narrative art. Therefore, we find that narration is the basic method in his works whereas dialogue is almost absent. Fantasy is also neglected. As a result, his stories vary in the strength of their structure because the line of thought receives the primary concern in his works. One of the other negative features in his art is that he did not stress the realistic values. Therefore, although Shuqair pictures the Palestinian reality yet he did not offer any suitable solutions to improve it. It seemed as though he was trying to find a standpoint where he differs from the other realistic views especially those which expressed the contradictory views in the Palestinian life and the maneuvering between the Palestinian and the Israeli personalities.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Deek , N. S. (2020). Picturing reality in Mahmoud Shuqair 's narrative literature -A critical analysis- . International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 2 (3), 103-116,

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