General Letters in Mathematics

Related Articles ( Matrix ring )

General RM Rings

Chenar Abdul Kareem Ahmed

The concept of central RM rings is introduced in this paper as a generalization of RM rings. Since every RM ring is central RM we study the sufficient condition for a central RM ring to be a RM one. It is shown that every central reversible and hence every central symmetric is central RM ring, however ...

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On strong CNZ rings and their extensions

Chenar Abdul Kareem Ahmed

T.K. Kwak and Y. Lee called a ring R satisfy the commutativity of nilpotent elements at zero[1] if ab = 0 for a, b ∈ N(R) implies ba = 0. For simplicity, a ring R is called CNZ if it satisfies the commutativity of nilpotent elements at zero. In this paper we study an extension of a CNZ ring with ...

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Extensions of Nil-Reversible Rings with an Endomorphism α

Iman Jalal Ali , Chenar Abdul Kareem Ahmed

The concept of an α − nil reversible ring is a generalization of α − reversible ring as well as an extension of nil reversible rings. We first consider basic properties of α − nil reversible rings. Then we investigate extensions of α − nil reversible, including ...

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Right Central CNZ Property Skewed by Ring Endomorphisms

Saman Shafiq Othman , Chenar Abdul Kareem Ahmed

The concept of the reversible ring property concerning nilpotent elements was introduced by A.M. Abdul-Jabbar and C. A. Ahmed, who introduced the concept of commutativity of nilpotent elements at zero, termed as a CNZ ring, as an extension of reversible rings. In this paper, we extend the CNZ property ...

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