Global Journal of Economics and Business

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Study the economic relationship between inflation and some macroeconomic variables in Algeria

Ramadane Lalaa , Hisher Ahmed El Tijani

Inflation is defined as an economic problem, and to reduce its economic damage requires knowledge of its effects and control. In this research work, we tried to identify the extent of inflation affected by some of the macro variables in Algeria during 43 years. The results of the analysis showed that ...

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Using time series to analyze the factors that led to overcoming the economic crisis in Malaysia (case study during the period 1970-2014)

Karima Ahmed El Sayed Ali

This study aims to analyze the factors that led to overcoming the economic crisis in Malaysia by using the Multi Regression Model to estimate the parameters of model, using a unidirectional variance analysis to compare the determinants of economic growth and the rate of GDP growth in Malaysia, and finally ...

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