Related Articles ( identity )
The Aesthetics of the Place in the Story of the Leg of the Bamboo (For Saud al-Sanusi)
This study presents the aesthetics of the place in the Kuwaiti novel represented in the story of the leg of the bamboo. In this context, it is divided into four sections. The first section, entitled "aesthetics," focuses on the concept of aesthetics in language, morphology. The term "aesthetics" and ...
Representations of Arab Identity in the Poetry of Non-Native Speakers Last Fires Poem by the Senegalese Poet Anjugo Lning -As A Model-
This study aims to reveal Arabic identity representations in the literary experience of non-native Arabic speaker’s poets through the relation between language and identity. It also intends to show the language reality of nonnative Arabic speakers by shedding light on the Senegalese experience ...
The Image of Jerusalem in Ahmed Matar’s Poetry
Objectives: This research aims to study the image of Jerusalem in the poetry of the poet Ahmed Matar, and to show the poet's vision and his multiple positions on Palestine in general and on the city of Jerusalem in particular under the Israeli occupation while revealing the dimensions depicted by Ahmed ...