International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies

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Legal implications of the "Covid 19" Corona virus on employment contracts

Istbraq Mohammad Hamzah , Ammar Murad Ghirkan

The world has been experiencing for a while the least difficult events that can be said about them, which have resulted in the death of hundreds of people and the injury of thousands, so that it has not been able to until an hour, that is, to stop the spread of this epidemic, which was caused by the ...

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Comment on a Judicial Decision-Temporary Interruption of an Employment Contract

Samira hazaoui

The illness of the legally proven employee suspends his employment contract temporarily in accordance with Article 32 of the Labor Law. And since it is proven in jurisprudence and the judiciary that it is not permissible to impose any disciplinary penalty on the employee during the justified suspension ...

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The Legal Status of Juvenile in Bahraini Labor Law: A Comparative Study

Khaled Jamal Ahmad Hassan

It is no doubt that employing a juvenile, while he lacks the physical, psychological and mental capabilities required for the work he is contracted to do, is a great danger that threatens, not only the future of the juvenile, but also the human societies overall, especially within the spread of the phenomenon ...

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