International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education

Volume 1 - Issue 1 (1) | PP: 1 - 10 Language : English

IPad as a New Educational Technology: A Review of the Literature

Mohammad Ahmad Abdelaziz Al-Zu’bi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
14/7/2020 30/7/2020 19/8/2020 1/11/2020
The investigation of the effectiveness of the iPad in education is still inadequate due to considering the novelty of iPad in education. This fact is occurring even though the increase of studies that addressed the iPad in education during the last ten years. Therefore, this study examines the effectiveness of iPad in education through review literature on iPad in education. After a review of the literature on the iPad, the results were in three aspects: reading, writing, and mathematics. In addition, the studies that addressed the iPad as an educational tool were confirmed of the positive effects of iPad in education. However, there is a lack of studies has addressed the iPad with thinking skills such as creative and critical thinking, additionally, motivation and learning motivation. Furthermore, the current study was recommended to conduct studies that addressed the iPad with thinking aspects with motivation and learning motivation.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Zu’bi , M. A. A. (2020). IPad as a New Educational Technology: A Review of the Literature . International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education, 1 (1), 1-10, 10.31559/CCSE2020.1.1.1

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