International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 1 (4) | PP: 54 - 71 Language : العربية

The Effectiveness of Using the Generative Learning Model on Developing the Skills of Critical Thinking among Female Students of Prophetic Hadith Citation and Extraction in the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan

Linda Ahmad Al- Adwan ,
Saleh Mohammad Al- Rawadieh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
9/8/2022 6/9/2022 26/9/2022 27/2/2023
The aim of this study was to uncover the effectiveness of using the generative learning model (G. L. M) on developing the skills of critical thinking among female students of prophetic hadith citation and extraction of the faculty of sharia at the University of Jordan. The study sample consisted of (45) female students divided randomly into two groups: the experimental group consisted of (22) students studied according to the (G. L. M). The second was control group which consisted of (23) students studied according to the traditional method. In order to achieve the goals of the study, an instrument was developed to measure the skills of critical thinking and verified the validity and reliability of scientific procedures appropriate. In order to answer the study question, the researchers used the means, averages, standard deviations and MANCOVA to examine the significance of statistical differences, and the Eta Square to measure the effect of the experimental variable. The results of the study showed that the experimental group was distinguished from the control group in the post-test on the scale of the skills of critical thinking and in light of the study results, the researchers introduced a number of related recommendations.

How To Cite This Article
Adwan , L. A. A.& Rawadieh , S. M. A. (2023). The Effectiveness of Using the Generative Learning Model on Developing the Skills of Critical Thinking among Female Students of Prophetic Hadith Citation and Extraction in the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (1), 54-71,

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