International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 1 (9) | PP: 149 - 159 Language : العربية

The Degree of School Principals of Administrative Creativity Skills in Public Schools from the Point of View of Teachers of the First Cycle of Basic Education in Tartous- Syrian Arab Republic

Haifa Ibrahim ,
Rabee Al-Murr Al-Dhuhli
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
6/9/2022 22/9/2022 3/10/2022 27/2/2023
This study aims to identify the degree of the school principals of practice administrative creativity skills among a sample of schoolteachers in Tartous city from the point of view of the sample members. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting information as it consisted of two parts: the first part includes the personal and professional data of the teacher, ( i.e. the educational qualification, professional experience and gender), and the second part includes the questionnaire items that consist of (15) questions, (2.89) and (57.8%). After verifying its validity and reliability, the researchers followed the descriptive analytical approach which suits the nature of the study, and the results showed that the level of administrative creativity of the school principals in Tartous city according to the teachers' views varies between medium and low, and there is not a statistically significant differences between the averages of the responses of the sample members about the degree of the educational administration's practice of administrative creativity skills due to the gender variable (Male/ Female), and the educational qualification variable (high school/ institute/ bachelor/ postgraduate studies). There is a significant difference between the average of responses of the sample members about the number of years of experience in favor of category B N (5-10), and the results of the study showed that school directors in Tartous city enjoy flexibility and teamwork with teachers in dealing with situations and problems that hinder the educational work process. However, within the available conditions, the results also showed that they use information technology if their conditions are available such as electricity and internet in their school. In light of these results, the researchers recommend the necessity of holding courses and workshops that support the practice of creativity in its various ways, and the creation of material and moral conditions to help practice the skills of administrative creativity perfectly.

How To Cite This Article
Ibrahim , H.& Al-Dhuhli , R. A. (2023). The Degree of School Principals of Administrative Creativity Skills in Public Schools from the Point of View of Teachers of the First Cycle of Basic Education in Tartous- Syrian Arab Republic . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (1), 149-159,

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