International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 3 (2) | PP: 438 - 453 Language : العربية

Constructing Criterion Referenced Test to Measure the Scientific Research Skills of Postgraduate Students in Yemeni Universities

Yahya Muhammad Al-Ghail ,
Ali Saeed Al Tariq
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
28/11/2022 17/12/2022 9/1/2023 18/6/2023
The study aimed to constructing criterion referenced test to measure the skills of scientific research among graduate students in Yemeni universities. The test consisted of (86) singles of the type of multiple choice with four alternatives. It was applied to the study sample consisting of all elements of the research community (745) male and female students of master's students in Yemeni universities. The results showed that the test has good psychometric properties as the results of the statistical analysis of the vocabulary indicated that the test vocabulary has good difficulty and discrimination coefficients, and the indications of honesty and stability are strong. The coefficient of stability of the internal consistency of Coder Richardson is - 20 (0.90) while the coefficient of stability of Livingstone reached (0.97). The results showed a significant decline in the study sample in scientific research skills.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Ghail , Y. M.& Al Tariq , A. S. (2023). Constructing Criterion Referenced Test to Measure the Scientific Research Skills of Postgraduate Students in Yemeni Universities. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (3), 438-453,

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