International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 3 (4) | PP: 475 - 487 Language : العربية

The Degree of Practicing Administrative Bullying in Public Schools Southern Hebron Directorates from the Teachers’ Perspective

Jamal Bheis
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
10/1/2023 26/1/2023 14/2/2023 18/6/2023
The present study aims at identifying the degree of practicing administrative bullying in public schools from teacher's attitudes in both directorates of Southern Hebron and Yatta. Considering variants of gender, qualification, years of experience, and the directorates, the study simple random sample includes (150) teachers – males and females who answered the researcher's 34-article-questionnaire. Coefficient of stability shows that it was (0.8457). To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method. Consequently, the study comes to conclude that (i) a high degree of bullying is practiced by public school principals in that social bullying comes first, followed by verbal bullying, thirdly is psychological bullying, and finally is physical bullying. The results show considerable significance of statistical differences on the variant of gender which is highly given to males, and likely differences are considered variants of qualification and experiences in addition to the directorate which shows higher degree to the directorate of Yatta. The study finally recommends the Ministry of Education to Act through rules and regulations against the phenomenon of bullying.

How To Cite This Article
Bheis , J. (2023). The Degree of Practicing Administrative Bullying in Public Schools Southern Hebron Directorates from the Teachers’ Perspective. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (3), 475-487,

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