International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education

Volume 5 - Issue 1 (3) | PP: 20 - 33 Language : English

Level of Need for Motivation among Administrators Working in the Ministry of Education of Gaza Strip in the Light of Some Variables

Reham Omar Youssef Zaidan ,
Maki Babiker Saeed Dewa
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
10/4/2023 2/5/2023 31/5/2023 30/6/2023
This study aimed to identify the level of desire and need for motivation among administrators working in the Ministry of Education of Gaza, and also aimed to reveal the extent of these administrators' need for motivation in the light of several variables. To Measure this, a scale of psychological and social adjustment prepared by Mahid Abdel Aziz (2016) was used. The sample of the study was chosen in a stratified random manner from (100) administrators working in the Ministry of Education in Gaza, with a total number of (254) individuals. To analyze the data, the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) program was used. The results Found that the level of desire and need for motivation among administrators working in the Ministry of Education in Gaza is high. The study confirmed that there are statistically significant differences in the need for motivation. There are statistically significant differences in the need for motivation among administrators working in education and education in Gaza according to the educational qualification variable in favor of administrators with a university degree. The study recommended the need to develop incentive programs for workers in the Ministry of Education, which may contribute to raising the level of interaction and social communication between employees and raise their ability to build social relations and improve the level of social interaction for them, which will reflect positively on work and suggested studying the role of motivation and material incentives in alleviating pressure psychology of workers in the field of education in the Gaza Strip.

How To Cite This Article
Zaidan , R. O. Y. & Dewa , M. B. S. (2023). Level of Need for Motivation among Administrators Working in the Ministry of Education of Gaza Strip in the Light of Some Variables. International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education, 5 (1), 20-33, 10.31559/CCSE2023.5.1.3

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