International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 4 (8) | PP: 724 - 733 Language : العربية

Electronic Management Relationship with Governorates Schools’ Principals’ Job Performance in Northern West Bank from their Points of View

Shrooq "Mohammed Rashad" Hussein ,
Heba Khaled Sleem ,
Jamal Mohammad Marshood
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
26/2/2023 14/3/2023 8/4/2023 31/8/2023
This study attempted to identify the degree of electronic management practice and the level of governorates schools' principals' job performance in northern West Bank from their Points of View, and to investigate the relationship between them. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive correlative approach was followed, and the questionnaire was used as a tool applied to the study population consisting of (427) male and female principals. For electronic management from their point of view, it came with a high degree as the arithmetic mean was (3.51), and the job performance level was very high, with the arithmetic mean (4.21). The results also showed the existence of a statistically significant correlation at the level of significance (alpha= 0.01) between the degree of electronic management practice and the level of job performance among public school principals in the northern West Bank from their point of view, which is a positive correlation as the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient was (.484**) which is a positive direct relationship.

How To Cite This Article
Hussein , S. ". R., et al. (2023). Electronic Management Relationship with Governorates Schools’ Principals’ Job Performance in Northern West Bank from their Points of View. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (4), 724-733,

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