International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 5 (9) | PP: 949 - 960 Language : العربية

Legitimate Controls of Women's Voluntary Work

Huda Thuwab Aidhah Ashalawi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
15/3/2023 2/4/2023 2/5/2023 24/10/2023
Objectives: This research aimed to clarify the legitimate controls of women's voluntary work related to volunteering, to highlight the legitimate controls of women's voluntary work related to volunteer work, and to clarify the legitimate controls of women's voluntary work related to women. Methods: To achieve these objectives analytical descriptive methodology was used. Results: Many results were concluded which are: the acceptance or rejection of women's voluntary work depends on a set of legitimate controls that must be met in the volunteer, the one volunteers for, and the one volunteered for, .in addition to special controls for women with the loss of all or some of these controls volunteering name is not valid from a legitimate viewpoint, and that women's voluntary work is linked to good Islamic morals such as: honesty, altruism, perfection in work, sacrifice for the sake of God. Also, the legitimate controls can be traced back to one general rule, which is that women’s voluntary work according to the provisions of Islamic Sharia, and these controls are linked to each other, and it may be necessary for one of them to exist with the presence of the other; it is consistent and in line with the principles of Islamic education, and anyone who undertakes women's voluntary work needs to be fully acquainted with these controls. Conclusions: Conducting more educational research related to various aspects of women's voluntary work and activating the legitimate controls for voluntary work in the contemporary reality by organizing training courses for volunteers and those wishing to volunteer and teaching them the necessary legitimate controls.

How To Cite This Article
Ashalawi , H. T. A. (2023). Legitimate Controls of Women's Voluntary Work. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (5), 949-960,

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