International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 5 (10) | PP: 961 - 980 Language : العربية

The Relationship between the Level of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Social Anxiety in Light of the Prevalence of the Covid-19 Pandemic among Students of the University of Nizwa

Muna. H. AL- Zidi ,
Samer J. Rudwan
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
7/2/2023 27/2/2023 4/5/2023 24/10/2023
Objectives: The study aimed to explore the relationship between the level of OCD and social anxiety in the face of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic among University of Nizwa students as well as to examine whether there are differences in some variables, such as gender and age. Methods: The data were determined using the Arabic forced ska and social anxiety scale. The descriptive correlative approach was used. Results: The results of the study showed that there is a statistically significant association between OCD and social anxiety in the study sample. Obsessive-compulsive thoughts according to the age variable (need to be busy, necessities to control, necessities to be orderly and precise) were in the age group of (18-21 years).There were also statistically significant differences in social anxiety on the factor (lack of self-confidence) according to the age variable in favor of students in the age group (22-29). Significant differences in social anxiety between both genders were in favor of all factors on the social anxiety scale by women. Conclusions: In light of the results obtained, the study recommended the following: providing awareness programs for university students in general and females in particular about obsessive-compulsive disorder and social anxiety through social media platforms, encouraging students to enhance their social interactions by participating in student groups and recreational activities organized by the university via social media, boosting the level of self-confidence among university students through the organization of lectures, seminars, and workshops on social media platforms.

How To Cite This Article
Zidi , M. H. A.& Rudwan , S. J. (2023). The Relationship between the Level of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Social Anxiety in Light of the Prevalence of the Covid-19 Pandemic among Students of the University of Nizwa . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (5), 961-980,

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