International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 6 (4) | PP: 1126 - 1144 Language : العربية

Stress Resulting from Delayed Childbearing and its Relationship to Marital Adjustment among the Non-Bearing Wives in the Governorates of Gaza

Osama S. Hamdouna ,
Majda Abdel Rahim Al-Najjar
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
5/8/2023 30/8/2023 10/9/2023 26/12/2023
Objectives: The study aimed to identify the relationship between stresses resulting from delayed childbearing and marital adjustment, detect differences in the level of marital adjustment according to the level of stresses resulting from late childbearing, and detect differences in the level of stresses resulting from delayed childbearing according to (the number of years of marriage and Age). Methods: The descriptive correlational method was used, the study sample consisted of (142) non-bearing wives in Gaza Governorate; the marital adjustment and stresses resulting from delayed childbearing scales were used. Results: The outcomes revealed that there was a negative correlation between stress resulting from delayed childbearing and marital adjustment, and there were statistically significant differences in the level of marital adjustment among non-bearing women due to the level of stress resulting from delayed childbearing in favor of low level of stress resulting from delayed childbearing. It also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the pressures resulting from the delay in childbearing due to the variable of number of years of marriage and age. Conclusions: The study has produced several recommendations, the most important of which is to give more attention to women who delay childbirth by providing psychosocial support programs to alleviate the psychological pressures they may face. It also suggests establishing counseling programs that organize family awareness seminars for couples about the nature of the psychological pressures in all their dimensions that a woman may experience when delaying childbirth and the impact of this on the nature of her marital relationship and her mental health. Additionally, the researchers recommend activating the role of civil society organizations in the field of mental health by conducting counseling and awareness courses and supporting women who delay childbirth.

How To Cite This Article
Hamdouna , O. S.& Al-Najjar , M. A. R. (2023). Stress Resulting from Delayed Childbearing and its Relationship to Marital Adjustment among the Non-Bearing Wives in the Governorates of Gaza. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (6), 1126-1144,

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