International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 13 - Issue 1 (2) | PP: 20 - 34 Language : العربية

Family Climate and its Relationship to the level of Aggressive Behavior Among a Sample of Adolescents in the Secondary Stage in the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Educational District in the State of Kuwait

Mariam Qasem T. Shaban
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
23/9/2023 11/10/2023 23/11/2023 28/2/2024
Objectives: The study aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between family climate and aggressive behavior. Methods: To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method. The sample consisted of (295) students, distributed among (160) male and (135) female students from Farea Bint Abi Salt Secondary School and Sabah Al-Salem Girls Secondary School affiliated with the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Educational Zone in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate. The researcher used the aggressive behavior scale prepared by Majda Al-Shehri and Nour Al-Shuraim (2018), and the family climate scale prepared by the researcher. Results: The results showed that the total score for family climate received a relative weight of (73.89%), and the total score for aggressive behavior received a relative weight of (57.43%). It showed a negative correlation between the level of family climate and aggressive behavior. There were statistically significant differences in them due to the family climate variable, and the differences were in favor of those with low climate. There are no statistically significant differences in the level of family climate due to the gender variable, except for the family sacrifice dimension in favor of males and the family needs dimension in favor of females. There are no statistically significant differences in them due to the specialization variable, except for the dimension of family security and family needs in favor of scientific specializations and sacrifice in favor of literary specialization. There are no statistically significant differences in the level of aggressive behavior due to the variable of gender and specialty. Conclusions: The study has concluded encompassing recommendations such as giving more attention to students in general, and specifically to high school students, especially those in the twelfth grade in Kuwait. Providing psychosocial support programs for them to alleviate stress, anxiety, and aggressive behavior, and offering a diverse educational environment among other recommendations.

How To Cite This Article
Shaban , M. Q. T. (2024). Family Climate and its Relationship to the level of Aggressive Behavior Among a Sample of Adolescents in the Secondary Stage in the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Educational District in the State of Kuwait. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 13 (1), 20-34,

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