International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 13 - Issue 3 (1) | PP: 372 - 387 Language : العربية

The Efficacy of Using (REACT) Startegy in Enhancing Scinece and Engineering Practices in Science and Academic Achievement among Female Omani Students

Ali Huwaishel Al-Shuaili ,
Zainab Ibrahim Al-Zidi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
21/2/2024 11/3/2024 17/3/2024 26/6/2024
Objectives: This study aims at finding the efficacy of using REACT strategy (as a context-based teaching method) in developing Omani female students’ acheivement and science and engenineering practices. Methods: The quasi-experimental method was adopted by purposefully selecting a school in Muscat Governorate. Subsequently, two classes within the school were randomly chosen, with one representing the control group and the other representing the experimental group. An achievement test and an observation card were administered to both groups before and after the intervention. Results: Results showed a statistically significant difference in favor of experimental group in both science and engineering practices and science achievement. Conclusions: The study recommended conducting pre- and in-service training sessions on using REACT strategy and other modes of teaching strategies based on context and enhancing science curriculum with more science and engineering practices, and tachling other variables in doing further research on context-based strategies.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Shuaili , A. H.& Al-Zidi , Z. I. (2024). The Efficacy of Using (REACT) Startegy in Enhancing Scinece and Engineering Practices in Science and Academic Achievement among Female Omani Students . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 13 (3), 372-387,

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