International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education

Volume 6 - Issue 1 (3) | PP: 23 - 41 Language : English

Impact of Inclusive Education on the Academic Performance of Students with Disabilities in Learning

Ola-Williams Maureen Chinasa ,
Ola-Williams Adeyinka
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
29/12/2023 23/5/2024 22/6/2024 11/9/2024
Objectives: The study aims to investigate the various connections between inclusive education and the academic achievement of students with learning disabilities in Abia State, Nigeria. Methods: This study used qualitative and quantitative research methods to examine the impact of inclusion on students with learning disabilities in Abia State, Nigeria. This research analyzed and compared perceptions of students, teachers, and school administrators regarding the implementation of inclusive education. Results: The findings indicated that the impact of participation in inclusive classrooms was generally positive concerning academic performance; however, the results varied across students. Generally, teachers and students had mostly positive attitudes towards inclusion and fairly good compliance with techniques such as differentiated instruction and co-teaching. However, difficulties experienced included low incorporation of assistive technology and physical facility barriers. Conclusions: the study provides a detailed understanding of the factors that may facilitate or hinder the success of inclusive education and underscores the importance of a multifaceted, contextual approach to enhance academic outcomes for students with learning disabilities in inclusive Nigerian classrooms.

How To Cite This Article
Chinasa , O. M. & Adeyinka , O. (2024). Impact of Inclusive Education on the Academic Performance of Students with Disabilities in Learning. International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education, 6 (1), 23-41, 10.31559/CCSE2024.6.1.3

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