International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 1 - Issue 3 (2) | PP: 343 - 352 Language : العربية
DOI : 10.12816/0040848

Dimensional Analysis of the Results of Studies Using Integrated Activities in Kindergarten

Hend Mahmoud Hegazy Mahmoud ,
Kamal Nageeb El gindy ,
Naglaa Magd Mahmoud Elnahas
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
4/3/2017 22/3/2017 15/4/2017 29/4/2017
Recent developments in today's world. Education officials in many countries of the world have to consider education plans in line with those developments, and ideas have abounded. The ideas that were put forward include the idea of ​​integrated curricula. (Abdullah bin Saud, 43: 2001). A beautiful number of studies that showed the effectiveness of integrated activities in the advancement of the kindergarten child from various aspects, including the study of Muhammad Moselhi (1995), the study of Dalia Al-Imam (2001), the study of Abdul-Mabood Ali (2005), and many other studies. Through the researcher’s observation and examination of many studies, it becomes clear that there is a multiplicity and diversity of research that deals with the effectiveness of using integrated activities in kindergarten in some dependent variables such as sports concepts, social concepts, arts, and other other variables. With the multiplicity and diversity of studies dealing with the effectiveness of using integrated activities in kindergartens, the need to analyze the results of these studies appears to reach generalizations to show the effectiveness of this type of activities in relation to the dependent variables dealt with by these studies. Which dealt with the effectiveness of using integrated activities in kindergartens

How To Cite This Article
, H. M. H. M., et al. (2017). Dimensional Analysis of the Results of Studies Using Integrated Activities in Kindergarten . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 1 (3), 343-352, 10.12816/0040848

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