International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 2 - Issue 1 (5) | PP: 139 - 176 Language : العربية
DOI : 10.12816/0043128

A Proposed Vision for the Development of Educational Psychology in Egyptian Universities

Waleed Mohammad Abu-Alma'aty
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
5/9/2017 23/9/2017 17/10/2017 22/10/2017
This study aimed to formulate a vision for the future development of the specialization of educational psychology in Egyptian universities by describing and analyzing the reality of specialization. The strategic planning methodology was adopted in the study by describing the reality of educational psychology in Egyptian and International universities and analyzing this reality and identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the challenges it faces. Accordingly, the future vision for the development of specialization was formulated as a vision, mission and objectives and developing the proposed mechanisms for its implementation and identifying key performance indicators to measure the success rate in implementing the plan.

How To Cite This Article
Abu-Alma'aty , W. M. (2017). A Proposed Vision for the Development of Educational Psychology in Egyptian Universities . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 2 (1), 139-176, 10.12816/0043128

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