International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 3 - Issue 3 (7) | PP: 704 - 719 Language : العربية

Building a Training Program (Proposed) to Develop the Educational Competencies of Pre-School Teachers During the Service in the State of Al- Gazira – Sudan

Khalid Mahgoub Abd Alla Mahmoud
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
12/5/2018 20/5/2018 28/5/2018 5/6/2018
The objective of the research aimed to construct a training program (proposed) for the development of the educational competencies of pre-school teachers during the service in the state of Gazira. The search population was 6,376. The researcher used the inductive method in monitoring the training needs of the teachers and descriptive approach in describing the training program. The training program was structured in the following steps:  Determining the training needs of pre-school teachers in the state of Gazira through the survey conducted by the researcher with the participation of the Pre-school education Department technical guidance and the education management sections in Gazira state.  Setting the objectives of the training program in light of the philosophy and objectives of preschool education in Sudan.  Selection of content and training activities that would achieve the needed development of the educational competencies of the trainees.  Selection of the implementation, evaluation and training methods and techniques of the program that facilitates the training.  Design the training program and choose the appropriate training model that suits the objectives of the program. The researcher adopted the comprehensive model of the design of education and training (J. Kemp: 1985) for its suitability to the nature of the training program.  Preparation for the implementation of the program, where the requirements for the implementation of the human and material program and the development of an implementation plan including the timetable for implementation of the program.  Implementation of the training program according to the plan.  Evaluation of the training program to determine the extent of meeting the proposed objectives. At the end of the research, the researcher presented several recommendations and proposals for future research.

How To Cite This Article
Mahmoud , K. M. A. A. (2018). Building a Training Program (Proposed) to Develop the Educational Competencies of Pre-School Teachers During the Service in the State of Al- Gazira – Sudan . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 3 (3), 704-719,

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