International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 6 - Issue 2 (7) | PP: 253 - 266 Language : العربية

The Effectiveness of the Use of Painting Therapy in Alleviating the Psychological Pressure in the Eye of Secondary School Students in the Bani Kenana Brigade

Tamara Mahmoud Nsair
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
4/8/2022 31/8/2019 18/9/2019 15/10/2019
a study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of the use of painting therapy in alleviating the psychological pressure in the eye of secondary school students in the Bani Kenana. The study used the semiexperimental method. The study sample consisted of (20) students who obtained a high degree in the scale The results showed that the level of psychological stress suffered by high school girls in Bani Kenana before the implementation of the therapeutic program with a high rating in the tool as a whole, and the level of psychological pressure suffered by students of secondary schools for girls in the Bani Kenana after applying The war And the results showed that the therapeutic program using the drawing used in the study has a positive effect in reducing the psychological stress experienced by students, and recommended the researcher to emphasize the importance of using art therapy in general and drawing in particular to alleviate the psychological pressure that Suffers from high school students.

How To Cite This Article
Nsair , T. M. (2019). The Effectiveness of the Use of Painting Therapy in Alleviating the Psychological Pressure in the Eye of Secondary School Students in the Bani Kenana Brigade . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 6 (2), 253-266,

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