International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 7 - Issue 2 (2) | PP: 219 - 231 Language : العربية

Death Anxiety in Patients with Renal Failure and Hemophilia

Omkalthoum Ahmed Mohammed
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
20/4/2019 8/5/2019 27/5/2019 8/4/2020
This study aimed to identify the anxiety of death in patients with kidney failure and disease hemophilia, where volume (92) individuals (58) and male (38) than females (71) patients with renal failure (21) disease hemophilia patients aged between (17- 55) years in khartoum state, the researcher used the descriptive approach, the study tool is a measure of death anxiety Ahmed Abdul Khaliq, results were analyzed by statistical analysis software (spss), the study reached a set of results Most important of: characterized by death anxiety among the study sample members to rise, there is a differences in death anxiety among the study sample due to the variable disease for the benefit of people with kidney failure individuals, there are no differences in death anxiety in patients with renal failure and hemophilia due to the variable sex, where they discussed the results according to the objectives of the study and the results of previous studies and scientific heritage.

How To Cite This Article
Mohammed , O. A. (2020). Death Anxiety in Patients with Renal Failure and Hemophilia . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 7 (2), 219-231,

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