International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 8 - Issue 2 (11) | PP: 388 - 396 Language : العربية

Leading Omani science schools Sheikh Habib bin Salem Ambosaidi School Century (12 AH / 18AD)

Khalfan bin Salem Al Busaidi ,
Saeed bin Rashid Al-Sawafi ,
Mohsen bin Nasser Al-Salmi ,
Muslim bin Salem Al-Wahaibi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
23/3/2020 15/4/2020 3/5/2020 12/10/2020
The Omani society is replete with pioneering schools, and with great scientific value, which were and still as a universities and colleges, and from which many students were graduate, provided with the glue of Shari'a law, and irrigated from the Islamic religion and the origins of its Shari'a and its various branches, and have emerged throughout the history of many of those scientific schools. It was Adorned with the male's throat and accommodated many students of honorable knowledge. This study deals with the great and rare school, joined by a lot of students, and a group of great scholars graduated from among its corridors, it is the school of Sheikh AlAllama bin Salem bin Saeed Ambusaidi, which he established at the beginning of the mid-twelfth century AH in the locality of Aqar Nizwa, which deals with many aspects of knowledge, especially the Arabic language, jurisprudence and its origins. This study completely depends on the inductive and descriptive approaches, in explaining the manifestations of this school that lasted for more than half a century, and it had a great role. Many advocates, scholars, leaders and writers graduated from the school, whom had a great impact in the field of science and knowledge.

How To Cite This Article
Al Busaidi , K. b. S., et al. (2020). Leading Omani science schools Sheikh Habib bin Salem Ambosaidi School Century (12 AH / 18AD) . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 8 (2), 388-396,

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