Volume 9 - Issue 1 (8) | PP: 113 - 128
Language : العربية
DOI : https://doi.org/10.31559/EPS2021.9.1.8
DOI : https://doi.org/10.31559/EPS2021.9.1.8
The invariance detected in the assessment test for mathematics skills for the third basic class students through the directorates of education in Jordan
Received Date | Revised Date | Accepted Date | Publication Date |
16/3/2020 | 5/4/2020 | 28/4/2020 | 14/2/2021 |
This study aimed to detect the Invariance in the test for the third basic grade in Jordan through directorates of education (numbering 45 directorates). To achieve this, the descriptive analytical method was used in analyzing the results of students on the test who participated for the 2017/2018 academic year, specifically the responses of (37272) boys and (36176) girls were analyzed on (25) multiple choice test items, and were analyzed Paragraph data using two methods of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and multigroup factor analysis (MGCFA) through the statistical program (Mplus v8.4), and to judge the appropriateness of the global construction of the test five good-matching indicators were used: (𝜒 2 ) , (CFI), (RMSEA), (SRMR), (TLI). The results showed the suitability of the proposed model with its seven skills for the content of the test, and the results also showed the presence of configuring, metric, and scalar invariance across (36) from (45) directorates.
How To Cite This Article
Alsaid , A. H.& Alshreefen , N. K. (2021). The invariance detected in the assessment test for mathematics skills for the third basic class students through the directorates of education in Jordan . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 9 (1), 113-128, https://doi.org/10.31559/EPS2021.9.1.8
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