International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 9 - Issue 1 (9) | PP: 129 - 154 Language : العربية

The level of job alienation among leaders of the public secondary schools in the city of Buraidah

Amlak Suliman Al-Sallal ,
Ali Saleh Al-Shay’a
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
21/4/2020 30/4/2020 11/5/2020 14/2/2021
The aim of the study is to identify the level of job alienation among the leaders of government secondary schools in the secondary stage in Buraidah, Saudi Arabia with different variables, and to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher adopted the descriptive approach, and the research sample consisted of (92) male and female leaders of the high school leaders in Buraidah, the researcher used the Blauner scale (1962) for job alienation with adjustments to it, and it was applied to the sample after confirming its reliability and consistent, and the research reached a set of results, including the fact that the level of job alienation among leaders came to a moderate degree, with an average (2.62) ), and in Percent(52%), the dimension of loss of control was ranked first among the scale of dimensions, with an average of (2.99), and percentage of (60%) with an average degree of verification, followed in the order by the non-standard dimension, with an average (2.77), percentage of (55%), average degree of verification, and in the third order came after isolation, with a mean (2.57), percentage of (51%), poor degree of verification, and the meaning loss dimension ranked fourth and last, with an average Mathematical (2.16), percentage of (43%), and poor degree of verification. The results also revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the estimates of the research sample for the level of job alienation according to the gender variable, where the differences were for males at the total degree, and after loss of control and non-normality, while the results did not reveal statistically significant differences according to the variable of experience on the overall degree and on the dimensions of the tool except after losing control, where the differences in favor of those with experience were less than (5) years, compared to those with experience from (5) years to less than (10) years .

How To Cite This Article
Al-Sallal , A. S.& Al-Shay’a , A. S. (2021). The level of job alienation among leaders of the public secondary schools in the city of Buraidah . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 9 (1), 129-154,

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