International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 9 - Issue 1 (11) | PP: 173 - 187 Language : العربية

Construction of a reference test to measure basic mathematical processes of female primary graduates using response theory

Aisha Mohammed Sail Al-enazi ,
Sabri Mohammed Ismail Abdel Aal
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
6/2/2020 10/4/2020 10/5/2020 14/2/2021
The aim of this study was to construct a reference test to measure the basic processes in mathematics according to the theory of paragraph response, where using the single- logistic model (Rush model), The study sample consisted of (205) students of the sixth-grade primary school in the city of Tabuk. To achieve the objective of the study, the test of the reference theorem was built in the basic operations of mathematics; consisting of 32 paragraphs of the type of multiple choices, the degree of cutting was determined to be (21), the results were analyzed by ITMAN, Bilog-MG3, and Spss. The results showed that the assumptions of the single-parameter logistic model were met (32) a paragraph, (8) non-conforming items were deleted, and the results of the sample included the exclusion of (3) individuals who did not conform to the model. The results of the analysis of female students on the overall test showed a low level of female students, where the average score (17.18), which is less than the degree of finalized, estimated at (21).Further the results of the analysis of the grades of the students on each skill showed that the average grade of the students was less than the finalized grade in all skills except for the skill of collection, which averaged the students' scores in the questions of the skill of collection (5, 13), Where it exceeded the degree of finalized, which was estimated at (5) degrees, In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended using this measure in its final form to measure the basic processes in mathematics as a diagnostic test at the beginning of the intermediate stage by the mathematics teachers, She also recommended the need to increase the interest of primary school teachers in the training of students on the achievement tests that contain multiple skills and linked to the mathematics courses and provide them in a way that facilitates them.

How To Cite This Article
Al-enazi , A. M. S.& Aal , S. M. I. A. (2021). Construction of a reference test to measure basic mathematical processes of female primary graduates using response theory . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 9 (1), 173-187,

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