Global Journal of Economics and Business

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Marketing of insurance services and their contribution to customer satisfaction (2014-2018 case study of Chikan Insurance and Reinvestment)

Manahel Abdulhab Tban Mohammed

: This study examined marketing of insurance services and their contribution to customer satisfaction. Status of the State of Khartoum (2014-2018) was used. Resolution was a tool for data collection. The study followed the descriptive and analytical approach. Advertising has effectively contributed to ...

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Measuring the Satisfaction of Officials in the Central Hajj Committee with the Level of Services Provided by the Executive Authorities

Halima Mohammed Noor Al-Mustafa

This study aimed to identify the extent of the satisfaction of officials in the Central Hajj Committee with the level of services provided by the authorities concerned with Hajj and Umrah, and to reveal the most important mechanisms used by the Central Hajj Committee to measure the satisfaction of pilgrims ...

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The Quality of Banking Services and its Relationship to Customer Satisfaction at the Arab Islamic Bank in Palestine

Ahmad Herzallah , Hamza Nadi , Salwa Barghouthi , Yasmeen Abd Alwahab

Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the quality of banking services and its   relationship with customer satisfaction at the Arab Islamic Bank. Methods: To achieve the study objectives, a descriptive-analytical approach was used. A questionnaire was designed, consisting of two ...

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Incentives and their impacts on Employees Satisfaction & Performance: The Case Study of Omdurman Ahlia University-Sudan

Omer Ali Babiker Eltahir

Objectives: This study aimed to determine the effects of moral and financial incentives on employee performance and satisfaction at Omdurman Ahlia University in Sudan. It also sought to make recommendations for improving the efficacy of the university's incentive program, which aims to raise employee ...

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Integration of Logistics Management Services and Their Impact on Improving the Mental Image to Achieve the Satisfaction of The Guests of God (A Case Study of Customers of Umrah Companies)

Halima Mohammed Noor Al-Mustafa

Objectives: This study aimed to identify logistics management and its services, understand the components of logistics management and its indicators, clarify the concept of mental image and customer satisfaction, and determine the impact of logistics management on customer satisfaction. Methods: The ...

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