Global Journal of Economics and Business

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The Criteria Followed by Manufacturing Companies in Selecting Insurance Companies (An Applied Case on Industrial Companies in the Bethlehem Governorate)

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The Impact of Staffing Strategy on Competitive Advantage: in Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industry Companies

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Measuring the Satisfaction of Officials in the Central Hajj Committee with the Level of Services Provided by the Executive Authorities

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The Impact of the Application of the Total Quality Management System on Performance (An Empirical Study on the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah)

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Tools to Deliver an Outstanding Digital Customer Experience for B2C Organizations in the Age of Uncertainty

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Hidden Costs and the Performance of Saudi Corporations

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The Effect of The Asset Management Efficiency on Financial Performance "Evidence From Jordanian Industrial Firms"

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The Effect of the Quality of Senior Management Decisions on Academics' Resistance to Change

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Administrative Skills and their Impact on Organizational Conflict Management/An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Individuals Working in the Roads, Bridges, Water Drains and Transport Authority in Khartoum State

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