Global Journal of Economics and Business

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We have tried to examine the impact of fiscal policy and monetary policy on foreign direct investment flows in Algeria during the period 1990/2016, asking us to do so. Address the different definitions of fiscal and monetary policy and its objectives and instruments used to influence economic activity ...

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Diagnosis of the Dimensions of Talent Management and its Impact of the Service Encounter from the Perspective of Department Managers in the Iraqi Airways Company

Maha Sabah Ibrahim

The success of an organization depends on the performance of human resources and talent; they are the source of direct contact with the customer, In a competitive environment, organizations face many challenges that are unable to obtain human talent. This research aims to identify the views of department ...

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Impact of Compliance with the Principles of Governance on the Efficiency of the Performance of Banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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The research problem is that it seeks to identify the impact of compliance with the principles of governance on the efficiency of the performance of banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its work, which affects the level of efficiency of the banking sector as a whole. The research aims to achieve ...

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Organizational Environment impact on Social Responsibility Implementation in Private Hospitals (KSA): A case Study of Private Hospitals in Najran City

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The Impact of the Joint Audit on the External Auditor Report in Sudanese Business Environment- Field Study

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The objective of this study is to measure the effect of the joint audit on the external auditor report in Sudanese business environment. The problem stated is that: the external auditor report confidence is considered as a basic requirement for the companies stakeholders. The question raised is: is there ...

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The Impact of the FATCA in Saudi Banking System-Field Study

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The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is designed to meet the tax evasion of some US people who have accounts in banks outside the United States, which obliges banks to disclose the data and information of their US citizens and foreign nationals with US citizenship to the Internal Revenue Services ...

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The Impact of the Application and Practice of Marketing Activities in the Sustainability of Institutions Economic - Case Study of the Guedila Mineral Water Foundation

Hakim bendjeroua , Rebbouh oumelkhir

This study aims at identifying and determining the importance of marketing activities in the continuation and survival of the economic institutions in the market in generaland to the guedila Mineral Water Foundation in particular Therefore, the study focused specifically on the relationship of the marketing ...

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The Impact of Strategic Management in Employees Empowerment Case Study: Sudanese Electricity Distribution Company

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This study aims to test the Impact of Strategic Management on the Employees Empowerment. The main Hypothesis of the study was that: There is a positive correlation between Strategic Management Concepts and the Dimensions of Employee Empowerment (delegation of Authority, Participation in Decisionmaking, ...

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The Impact of the Skills of Dealing with Patients on the Quality of Health Service Applied Study on a Sample of Private Hospitals in Khartoum State

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This study aimed to identify the impact of the skills of dealing with patients on the quality of health service in private hospitals in Khartoum State. The main study tool was the questionnaire. To achieve results, the study used path analysis method. The study reached a number of results; the most important ...

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The Accounting Measurement of Human Capital and its Impact on Raising the Efficiency of Performance by Applying to King Khalid University

Salwa Derar Awad Mohammed

The research aims to identify the impact of the human capital accounting on the efficiency of performance by applying to King Khalid University. The problem was that the human capital was dealt with only in terms of payroll and salary registration, ie, only as current expenditure. As human capital provides ...

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