Related Articles ( teachers )
The Degree of Practicing High School Principals in Jeddah Governorate to Ethical Leadership from the Point of View of Teachers
Objectives: The Purpose of the study is to investigate the degree of school principals at Jeddah Governorate practicing of ethical leadership as perceived by teachers, as well as exploring significant statistical differences in the responses of the study sample according to the difference in specialization, ...
The Relationship of the Electronic Management Practicing Degree to the Effectiveness of Administrative Performance in Accordance with Total Quality Standards from the Teachers' Point of View in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah
Objectives: The study aimed to detect the reality of practicing electronic management in government schools for boys in Madina from the point of view of their teachers, and monitoring the nature of the relation between practicing electronic management and the effectiveness of administrative performance ...
The Degree to which Basic Stage Teachers Possess Scientific Research Skills in the Amman Kasbah District
Objectives: The study aimed to identify the degree to which basic stage teachers possess scientific research skills in the Amman Kasbah district in the capital Amman Governorate. Methods: To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive survey method was adopted, and the study sample consisted ...
Training Needs to Develop Digital Teaching Skills Among Primary School Teachers in Light of the Standards of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the training needs necessary to develop digital teaching skills among primary school teachers in light of the standards of the International Society for Technology in Education. The sample size was (317) teachers. Methods: The descriptive survey method was used ...
Predicting Transformational Leadership Behavior from the Emotional Intelligence Dimensions of the Teachers of North Al-Batinah Governorate in the Light of Some Demographic Variables
Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the degree to which emotional intelligence contributes to predicting the transformative leadership behavior of the teacher. The study sample consisted of teachers (191 M and 202 F) from 20 different schools whose selection was based on simple probability. Methods: ...
The Role of Digital Media in Developing Teacher's 21st Century Skills
Objectives: The current study aimed to assess the role of digital media in developing 21st-century skills among teachers. It was conducted on primary school teachers (grades one to ten) in government and private schools affiliated with the Ministry of Education in the Qasabat Amman district during the ...
Level of Verbal Classroom Interaction for Science and IT Pre-service Teachers at the University of Nizwa from the Perspective of the Collaborative Teachers
Objectives: The study aimed to identify the level of classroom verbal interaction of pre-service teachers during field training in the disciplines of Science and Information Technology at the University of Nizwa from the perspective of the cooperating teacher. The study sample consisted of (123) cooperating ...
The Degree of the Employment of Teachers in Cycle One Basic Education Schools in the Sultanate of Oman, Electronic Tests in Educational Platforms and their Relationship to their Computer Competencies
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the use of electronic tests by female teachers in cycle one basic education in the Muscat and Al Dakhiliyah governorates in the Sultanate of Oman, and to assess their computer competencies in educational platforms, and to reveal the level of computer competencies ...
The Institutional Creativity and its Relationship with Organizational Behavior in Government Schools in the Sultanate of Oman from the Perspective of Teachers
Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the reality of institutional creativity and its relationship with organizational behavior in government schools in the Sultanate of Oman from the perspective of teachers. Methods: To achieve the study objectives, a descriptive correlational approach has been ...
Strategic Intelligence and its Relationship to Crisis Management Among Public School Principals in Jordan from the Teachers' Perspective
Objectives: The study aimed to identify the degree of application of strategic intelligence among secondary government school principals and its relationship to crisis management from the point of view of teachers in Zarqa Governorate. Methods: To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive, ...